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Counseling & Student Services

Our objective at Clear View High School is to develop a program that will provide an academic, emotional, and positive developmental guidance environment for all students with the assistance/teamwork from teachers, staff, and the community by demonstrating care and seeking to understand all.

The goal of the counseling team is to know every story and show that we care for each student at Clear View Highschool by being visible to the students and staff as often as possible. This will be accomplished by establishing a shared responsibility among the team with an open-door policy for those students in need of emotional assistance. The counselors will be present as students arrive at school, during meals, in halls, classrooms and as they leave school.

Guidance Curriculum

Develop essential core values and social skills needed to enhance their personal, educational and career growth.

Responsive Services

Short-term interventions to resolve immediate conflicts, respond to crisis events, and intervene in school specific situations.

Individual Planning

Guidance of all students as they plan, monitor, and manage their own educational, career, and personal development.

System Support

To link staff, faculty, and community members in our education programming and school improvement planning.

Individual Counseling & Student Support Groups

Here at Clear View High School, we prioritized the individual needs of students academically but also socially and emotionally. Our two counselors are available to assist students in any personal way. Students can request to see a counselor at any time. We have QR codes located in different places of the building including each classroom, hallways, cafeteria, and restrooms. Students can fill out the form and one of the counselors will call them as soon as possible.

Some of the issues we can address when we are working individually with a student are grief, stress/anxiety, anger, relationship problems, problem-solving, study habits, etc. We will also meet with students to help in the academic plans for high school as well as post-secondary planning. If a parent is concerned about their child’s mental or emotional health, please speak with a school counselor as we will be able to provide support (when possible) and will provide a list of resources in our community.

As part of our counseling program, we also offer group counseling. Group counseling is a vital service that has a positive effect on the academic, career, and social/emotional development of students. These groups can focus on a specific theme or just general concerns. The groups will take place during WIN (What I Need) time and will last for about 30 minutes so students will not be missing instruction during that time. If a student would like to participate in group counseling, they can just let us know when we start promoting them. Notification of the student’s participation in a support group will be provided to the parent; however, as a parent, if you do not want your student to participate in a support group, written documentation of denial of services will need to be provided to the school counselor.

Tiger Values

At Clear View High School, we promote and encourage students to demonstrate and practice the CCISD Core Values as we also build their leadership skills through the Leader in Me program with a focus on the 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens.

Dreams & Aspirations for EVERY Clear View Scholar

  • College & Career Ready—21st Century Skills
  • Strong Academically & Critical Thinkers
  • Infuse 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
  • Independent & Confident—Empowered
  • Disciplined & Responsible—Student Agency
  • Reflective & Decisive
  • Possess Grit, Resilience, & Growth-Mindset
  • Set & Pursue Goals—Clear Plans for the Future
  • Strong Character & Integrity
  • Effective Communicators
  • Healthy Perspectives on Mistakes and Failures
  • Healthy Coping Skills
  • Realistic & Optimistic
  • Make Opportunities for Themselves
  • Healthy Risk-Takers
  • Develop Love for Learning—Be Curious
  • Coachable—Open to Mentorship
  • Understand Broader Cultures
  • Value & Love Themselves—Self-Worth
  • Contributing Member of Society—Now & Later
  • Spirit of Service to Others—Service-Oriented

Our Team

Julio Marquina

Lead Counselor, Students A-K

Cynthia Saenz

Counselor, Students M-Z

Getting Connected with Naviance

CCISD is pleased to provide Naviance Student, a web-based service designed especially for students and parents. Naviance offers a comprehensive website that you and your student can use to help in making decisions about courses, colleges, and careers.

Use your Naviance account to:

  • View and manage your high school course planning.
  • Prepare for the ACT/SAT test with free test preparation provided by Method Test Prep.
  • Research colleges and universities, and explore scholarship opportunities.
  • Investigate career interests and options using Personality Inventory and Career Interest Profiler.
  • Update your profile, including your parents’ email address so parents/guardians can have their own account.

Clear View Naviance